
Showing posts from September, 2018

Light and Salt 9- Champion Chukwudi

Life ends when u stop dreaming Love ends when u stop Believing Hope ends when u stop Hearing When situations around you has conspired to make you sad. Disappoint them by making yourself happy.. No matter how big the problem is,,,, dust it and hug it! Unbelief is the only reason for the poverty of the mind... It is in You to achieve  your purpose in life. Fanaticism consist of redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your aim. Strong  convictions precedes great  actions. Beautiful morning and a fulfilled day. Compiled by Elekwachi Chukwudi Click here to visit our website

Light and Salt-8. By Elekwachi

The past is an experience,, The present is an experiment,, The future is an expectation. Use your experiment to make your expectations come true. Moving on requires nothing but: Yourself. Your pride. Your ability to rise whenever you fall. Let out the champion in you. Your personality is your business card... How others feel after they have known you becomes your trademark. Live a life that will be written in a golden medal,, on the hearts of men when you are gone! Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers,,, The believers and the thinkers... Most of all surround yourself with those that see greatness in you even you don't see it yourself. Beautiful morning and a blessed day. Compiled by ECJ Champion Click here to visit our website

Light and Salt- 7

Elekwachi Chukwudi Joseph Champion BA.Ed, MNIM, HSE, MBISO, PM, ICT, HRM, CRM If you want to invest for a year plant crops. If you want to invest for ten years plant trees. But if you want to invest for a lifetime plant humans. Ask God for eyes to see, ear to hear, tongue to taste, nose to perceive, mouth to speak, leg to walk, hand to work, hope to claim, faith to possess, spirit to understand, memory to retain, way to go, whom to see, mercy to abound & grace  to grow, AMEN. This world is rustic and suspecting. God needs people to partner with and lift up a standard for others. DEAR, YOU'RE ONE OF THEM! The only people that will uprightly survive on earth are Dan:11:32 & 2Chron:12:32. For tough times never last but tough people do. Matt:11:12 Diachronically, this world is created with utterance which was treated in levity by the then churls & earls yet He is d king of kings. HAPPY SUNDAY click here to visit our website Compiled by: Elekwachi Ch...