Nine ways to save money for long term

News Envelope Emblem In this economic uncertainty, many of us are looking for ways to save money for a long term and retire well. Let us review nine basic ways to save money for the long term, according *Don’t waste your money: Every naira that you waste on something you don’t need (like cable or new clothes or a bigger TV) is a naira that you cannot save for your future. Cancel your extra monthly subscriptions and anything else that you no longer need. Run outside instead of paying for a gym membership. *Plan ahead and have a savings goal for retirement: Make a plan to save money for your retirement. Having a written plan is the first and most important step to long-term financial success. *Become debt-free as soon as possible: Paying off your debt is essential to being able to start saving money for the long-term. How can you save money if you are constantly paying for credit card bills, a new car, a bigger house, or old student loan debt? *Eat all ...