
Showing posts with the label Elekwachi Champion J. Chukwudi

Light and Salt (4)- Elekwachi Champion J.Chukwudi

Elekwachi Chukwudi Joseph F-E-A-R has two meanings: F- Forget E- Everything A- And R- Run OR ... F - Face E - Everything A - And R - Rise The Choice is YOURS ...!!! DARE TO BE DIFFERENT Do what others don't do. Don't do what others do. Stand out!!! Friends are like fishes You have to sit patiently for a long time To catch a nice one WHEN YOU DO GOD'S BUSINESS, IT BECOMES GOD'S BUSINESS TO BOOST YOUR BUSINESS.

Light and Salt (3)- Elekwachi Chukwudi Joseph

PHOTO: Elekwachi Champion J. Chukwudi captured on sail at the Benue river It's either you fight in the place of preparation or you fight in the war front. First thing first. Since you can't direct the wind... Always control your sails. Time is not just money; time is life. When you waste time you waste life and resources. When the wind of life blows put your trust in God. Elekwachi Chukwudi Champion

Light and Salt (2)- Elekwachi

PHOTO: Elekwachi Chukwudi Joseph Champion Comparison they say is the game of fools. The sky is too wide for everyone to fly. BE YOURSELF!!! ECJ Champion.

The state of priests- Elekwachi

PHOTO: Elekwachi Chukwudi Joseph "It is sad, especially, when children grow wishing their parents had not been involved in Christian work because they had to grow up in serious material hardship. Unfortunately, God's provision seems inadequate for some Christian workers. Like the children of Eli (1Samuel 2), they take what God has not allotted to them. Not surprisingly, they come to a sad end! These are factors we need to bear in mind with regard to those we employ as priests and pastors in our different churches and in all other full-time Christian ministries". Culled from Scripture Union Daily Guide- Feb 15th, 2018. However, what Jesus told Peter was to FEED HIS FLOCK and not the flock to feed him. The undoing of General Overseers today is that they only pick interest in the proliferation of their denominations not minding if the priests, pastors in charge are been catered for or not. The church members on their own worsen the case by forgetting that a priest is...

How Christianity lost its political power- Elekwachi

PHOTO: Elekwachi Champion J. Chukwudi We lost these things when the early apostles hid themselves (for fear), exonerated themselves from the secular system (for holiness), and sold there properties (to sinners); eating, drinking and making merriments when they're not working (yet we call it 'sharing in common') This polity has been overtaken by the ungodly; people are suffering because Christians (not church goers) refused to sit up and take over in the the name of HOLINESS. I wonder if anybody will suffer if Christians (not church goers) are in charge of the civil service, politics, force, business, transport, education, etc. Today, people who claim to be holy call these things sin because they don't study (they only read) their Bible. We lost these things when the early apostles  themselves (for fear), exonerated themselves from the secular system (for holiness), and sold there properties (to sinners); eating, drinking and making merriments when they'...

Know Your Worth

PHOTO: Elekwachi Chukwudi Joseph KNOW WHOM YOU ARE!!! If you don't know who you are situations and people will keep telling you whom you're not. I KNOW WHO I AM.... ECJ Champion

Elekwachi Champion J. Chukwudi speaks on Criticism

PHOTO: Elekwachi Chukwudi Joseph If you're fast in life people will criticise you of being a Cheetah. If you're slow you'll be mocked for being a snail. If you fly you'll be accused of being an eagle. If you crawl you'll be scorned for being a foul. If you succeed as a business man they'll say it's ritual money. If you're a politician they'll say it's people's money. If you grow as a man of God they'll say it's Church money. When you speak they'll call you parrot. When you keep shut they'll say you're a deaf and dumb. When you act they'll say you like showing yourself. When you hide they'll say you're avoiding them. I'VE LEARNT IN LIFE THAT CRITICISM IS A COMPLIMENT. Just bear in mind that you can't avoid criticism nor please everyone. PEOPLE MUST TALK, BUT DON'T MIND THEM IF YOU'RE RIGHT!!!!! Don't allow what people say hinder you from what you should do. I WISH YOU W...