Salary scale of the Nigerian Police

The Nigerian Police Here is the Nigeria Police Salary from Recruit to Inspector General of Police: A Police Recruit Salary A police recruit is any person who is undergoing training to become a member of the police force. The monthly salary of a police recruit is N9, 019.42, while his annual salary amounts to N108, 233. A Police Constable Grade Level 03 A police constable is a newly employed police man who has the lowest rank in Nigeria. The monthly salary of a police constable is N43, 293.80, while his annual salary is N519, 525.6. A Police Constable Grade Level 10 A police constable grade level 10 is a higher police constable grade with a monthly salary of N51, 113.59, and annual salary of N613, 363.08. A Police Corporal On Grade 04 (1) The police corporal on grade 04 (1) comes after constable, but a lower rank in the police force. The abbreviation of police corporal on grade 04 (1) is Cpl. The salary of a police corporal on grade 04 (1) is N44, 715.53 per ...