SYMPTOMS AND CURE FOR BACTERIAL INFECTION Introduction Bacterial infections are caused by small, single-cell organisms called bacteria that invade the body. Bacterial infections occur when bacteria enter your body. Once in your body they increase in number. This causes an immune reaction in your body. SYMPTOMS Anyone can develop a bacterial infection and can infect every area of the body like the bladder, brain, intestines, lungs, and skin . 1. Itching and irritation in and around the ear 2. feeling tired 3. Fever 4. Several headache or neck stiffness 4. Persistent cough, or coughing up pus or blood 5. Runny or stuffy nose 6. Sore throat 7. vomiting TYPES The symptoms of a bacterial infection depend on the location of your infection and the type of bacteria involved. 1. Skin Pain This is common with bacterial infections. You can experience skin pain with a bacterial infection of skin. A lung infection can cause pain when breathing and you can fee...