5 KEYS TO PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST INFIDELITY After you married your wife, you will continue to see many women that seem more beautiful, caring, loving and curvy than her. After you married your husband, you will continue to see many men that more handsome, rich, caring, has well built body, than your husband. Because you are married won't make these people to disappear into thin air. You will see them everyday, in your offices, churches, market places, neighborhoods etc. With the high rate of infidelity going on right now, you need to protect yourself. Some people don't care whether or not you are married. Things to consider if you don't want to cheat on your partner. 1. Exercise Self-control Self-control means restraint exercised over one's own impulses, emotions, or desires. In other words, it means to have control over your feelings or actions. So, exercise control over your feelings and actions. Control your eyes. It's okay to admire someone but know when t...