
Showing posts with the label yourself

Light and Salt 14- Elekwachi Chukwudi Champion

Elekwachi Chukwudi Champion BA.ED, HSE, MNIM, PM, ICT, CRM, HRM, MBISO Never believe that the lines on your  hands predicts your future, because people born without hands also have future.. Believe in yourself. Do not strike one another  for envy nor hatred. Who knows tomorrow? God is liberal to all. A miracle can happen any day s/he may be a helping hand. Put all things into God's care, remember mercy!  Never be afraid of asking God for big things because blessing you will not reduce him. So aspire big... Think big!  The race is not for the swift nor the battle for the strong. But it is by the mercies of the Lord that we are not consumed. You may be the only person left who believes in you but that is enough. It takes just one star to pierce a universe of darkness. Never give up!!! We may have blames, give reasons or even Excuses but in the end, it is an act of cowardice not to follow your dreams. Hold fast to your dreams, for if dreams die. Life...

Light and Salt 11- ECJ Champion

If you look at the world, you will be distressed. If you look within, you will be depressed. If you look unto God, you will be at rest.  God has a purpose for your pains; a reason for your struggles, and a reward for your faithfulness. Never give up!  Always show love and kindness to others. Your love might be filling empty spaces in someone's heart. You have no idea  what they are going through. Don't let your background or situations around you keep your back on the ground. Where you were born has no bearing to where you are going. Our greatest weapon against stress is our ability  to choose the thought of positivity over negativity. Today's excellence is tomorrow's mediocrity. Never stop improving yourself because if we do not learn by instructions, we will be forced to learn when consequences come to teach us. No improvement; no relevance.  Compiled by: ECJ Champion Join WhatsApp Join Facebook Drop your comments below

Light and Salt-8. By Elekwachi

The past is an experience,, The present is an experiment,, The future is an expectation. Use your experiment to make your expectations come true. Moving on requires nothing but: Yourself. Your pride. Your ability to rise whenever you fall. Let out the champion in you. Your personality is your business card... How others feel after they have known you becomes your trademark. Live a life that will be written in a golden medal,, on the hearts of men when you are gone! Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers,,, The believers and the thinkers... Most of all surround yourself with those that see greatness in you even you don't see it yourself. Beautiful morning and a blessed day. Compiled by ECJ Champion Click here to visit our website

Light and Salt (2)- Elekwachi

PHOTO: Elekwachi Chukwudi Joseph Champion Comparison they say is the game of fools. The sky is too wide for everyone to fly. BE YOURSELF!!! ECJ Champion.