PHOTO: Elekwachi Chukwudi Joseph Have you wondered why some items and materials in the house look redundant? Do you think they're really useless? Could it be because of there sizes? Is it that they refused to be used? Or the owner kept them that way? Of course! The owner allowed them to be thus kept. PRESERVED The word 'preserve' connotes to protect; to keep from harm or injury. To save from decay by the use of some preservative substance. To maintain throughout; to keep intact. To keep a particular quality, feature. To make sure something is kept. However you understand it, it means to make sure that something does not spoil. RESERVED This means to keep someone/something FOR somebody/something (mark the word 'for') so that it cannot be used by any other person or for any other reason. Inasmuch as there are items/materials not often used not because they're preserved or reserved but because they are really spoilt and useless. That's ...