How Christianity lost its political power- Elekwachi

PHOTO: Elekwachi Champion J. Chukwudi We lost these things when the early apostles hid themselves (for fear), exonerated themselves from the secular system (for holiness), and sold there properties (to sinners); eating, drinking and making merriments when they're not working (yet we call it 'sharing in common') This polity has been overtaken by the ungodly; people are suffering because Christians (not church goers) refused to sit up and take over in the the name of HOLINESS. I wonder if anybody will suffer if Christians (not church goers) are in charge of the civil service, politics, force, business, transport, education, etc. Today, people who claim to be holy call these things sin because they don't study (they only read) their Bible. We lost these things when the early apostles themselves (for fear), exonerated themselves from the secular system (for holiness), and sold there properties (to sinners); eating, drinking and making merriments when they'...