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Nigeria is the largest country of the African continent popularly referred to as the 'Giant of Africa'. She is faced with lots of unbearable menaces and savages which is generally linked to unemployment as a result of bad governance.
Nigeria is expecting to clock 200million citizens by 2020.
Unemployment since 1960 is recorded as the greatest challenge of the Nigeria youths who occupies 70% of her population as stated by a sage "...from the time of Azikiwe there has been unemployment"--Pa Falaye.
However, Nigerians are the strongest, most suffered and resilient in the world. Hence, they take the bull by the horn and face their fate squarely by indulging in all manner of jobs (both useful and useless, meagre and huge, decent and crime, lucrative and stressing) to make ends meet... As they will always say "no food for a lazy man".
Some Nigerian drivers and hawkers desired to be lawyers and engineers in their prime. Others are also high profile graduates without a suitable job.
Some Nigerians join force not because they desired it but because unemployment compelled them. Others also joined to either intimidate others or avoid been intimidated.
Some join sports overnight.
Photo credit: Akajiobi Football Club Okigwe
Others go into Church business.
Photo credit: Latter Rain Bible Church, Aro-Ogii, Okigwe Imo state.
Some leave the country by any means for greener pastures in other countries.
Others become fashion and designers.
Many become butchers
Majority, especially the ladies get married.
Few turn musicians.
Photo credit: Elekwachi Chukwudi Joseph. BA.ED, HSE, HRM, MNIM, MBISO, CRM, PM, PET, ICT.
The riverines become seafarers
Majority become robbers and thugs
Uncountable of the youths become political singers to the fountain of their menace.
Others go as far as mending government roads so as to feed from road users.
Few engage in crimes cutting across cyber, street, office, religious, etc |
It is worthy of note that Nigerians don't end up being what they desired while in childhood and don't also practice what they studied... For the few educated.
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